Using Alternative Carrier Gases with Accelerated ASTM D2887 Simulated Distillation Analysis

By Katarina Oden, Barry Burger, and Amanda Rigdon.

ASTM Method D2887 now allows for alternate carrier gases, so hydrogen or nitrogen can replace helium carrier gas for simulated distillation. Here is shown that with an MXT®-1HT SimDist column and Restek’s EZGC® online method translator existing methods using helium can be easily converted to either hydrogen or nitrogen carrier gas. Because retention times are preserved with proper method translation, there are minimal changes to peak identification tables, which significantly simplifies method validation.

Read the article provided by Restek

New Raptor™ FluoroPhenyl Phase: Get the Power of HILIC and RP Modes in One LC Column

  • Capable of both reversed-phase and HILIC separations.
  • Ideal for increasing sensitivity and selectivity in LC-MS analyses.
  • Offers increased retention for charged bases.
  • Part of Restek’s Raptor™ LC column line featuring 2.7 and 5 μm SPP core-shell silica.
  • Increased retention and selectivity for basic and hydrophilic compounds compared to a C18.

Switch to a Raptor™ FluoroPhenyl LC column for reliable performance in both reversed-phase and HILIC modes.

Raptor™ FluoroPhenyl LC Columns Sales Sheet – Restek

Read more about superficially porous particles here:

Performance characteristics of new superficially porous particles (Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1258, 5 October 2012, Pages 76–83, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.08.036)
Applications of superficially porous particles: High speed, high efficiency or both? (Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1228, 9 March 2012, Pages 72–88)
Superficially Porous Particles: Perspectives, Practices, and Trends (LCGC North America, Volume 32, 2014, Issue 6, pg 420–433)

For more information contact our sales team at BGB Analytik or visit our shop.


A Fast Dilute-And-Shoot Method for Catecholamine and Serotonin Metabolites

Commercial kits for the analysis of vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) require extensive sample preparation and chromatographic analysis times up to 16 minutes. In contrast, using Restek’s dilute-and-shoot method and a Raptor™ Biphenyl column, these catecholamine and serotonin metabolites can be measured in a quick 5-minute analysis. This method is applicable to clinical analysis of VMA, 5-HIAA, and HVA in urine and provides the benefit of both fast analysis times and low-cost sample preparation procedures.

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