Fatty Acid Methylation Kit

Methyl esterification of fatty acids is commonly done prior to gas chromatography analysis to prevent peak tailing and to increase sample volatility. However, the conventional esterification procedure requires specialized equipment and high technical skill

By using the Fatty Acid Methylation Kit that employs a new reaction technique, follows by the Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Purification Kit, fatty acid methyl esterification procedure is greatly simplified.

  • For the analysis of volatile free fatty acids, glycerolipids and sterol esters
  • Enables reaction at 37 °C
  • Conducts methyl esterification safely and easily
  • Detects not only long-chain, but also short-chain fatty acids

Fatty Acid Applications

Fatty Acid Methylation Kits Brochure

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Purification Protocol

Fatty Acid Methylation Kit Protocol