ZirChrom-SHAX (Strong Hydrophilic Anion Exchange)

ZirChrom-SAX quaternized polyethyleneimine-coated zirconia for strong hydrophilic anion-exchange. ZirChrom-SHAX has all the advantages of ZirChrom-SAX except that the surface is much more hydrophilic making it useful for anion-exchange of proteins.

  • Stable from pH 1-12
  • High anion-exchange capacity that can be controlled by the amount of polymer deposited on the porous zirconia substrate
  • Different selectivity than silica or polymeric anion-exchangers
  • Does not shrink or swell as a function of anionic strength or organic modifier content of the mobile phase.
  • Thermally stable up to 80°C

ZirChrom Catalog

ZirChrom-SHAX Column Care