ionLC Desk

ionLC Desk - Elevating Table for HPLC and UHPLC Systems
Most operators currently use a step stool to reach the top of the HPLC/UHPLC system. This means that they must obtain the step stool from its storage place, climb up and down to maintain solvents, stand on the small step stool surface area while they are servicing the instrument, and partially block the floor space around the system while they are performing this routine operation. This activity represents multiple opportunities for an accident and takes time. With IonBench IonLC Desk, the operator simply flips a switch to lower the system to a safe and manageable height, performs the solvent task, and raises the platform back up to the required operating height.
Adjustable height from 71cm to 111cm (27.95 to 43.70inches)
2 liftable columnswith a weight capacity of 160 Kg in total
Worksurfacecan easily be lifted up ordown withretractable control panelLCD (4 positions storable)
Caster wheels allow to move the IonLC Desk easily
ionLC Desk Brochure