Shodex RSpak DE Series (Polymer-based with similar polarity of ODS Phases)

Shodex RSpak DE Series is a Polymethacrylate gel for Reversed Phase Chromatography. Shodex DE-213, DE-413 and DE-413L of the Shodex RSpak DE-413 series are high-performance HPLC columns designed for absorption/partition chromatography. These columns are highly effective in analyzing samples, such as foods, drugs and biological substances, which have a wide range of polarity. The columns show excellent performance.

Shodex HPLC Column Catalog

RSpak series Manual

RSpak DE-413 Manuals

RSpak_DE-213 Manual

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Part Number



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SH-F7001007 Shodex RSpak DE-213, 2.0 x 150mm, ea. $ 823.00
SH-F7001005 Shodex RSpak DE-413, 4.6 x 150mm, ea. $ 852.00
SH-F7001004 Shodex RSpak DE-613, 6.0 x 150mm, ea. $ 934.00
SH-F6700150 Shodex RSpak DE-G, 4.6 x 10mm Guard Column, ea. $ 506.00
SH-F6700151 Shodex RSpak DE-SG, 2.0 x 10mm Guard Column, ea. $ 495.00