
Since 1996, Restek has developed and manufactured liquid chromatography (LC) columns that are trusted by labs worldwide for easy, fast, and accurate results. We offer LC columns for the latest UHPLC systems as well as for your tried-and-true HPLCs, and because Restek is an employee-owned company, we are able to support every instrument platform with the same top-quality products, cutting-edge applications, and Plus 1 customer service.

Force Series (fully scalabel from 1.8µm UHPLC to 5µm) Raptor 90Å Series (Superficially Porous Particle) Roc 100Å Series (Convetional HPLC)
Force Series (fully scalabel from 1.8µm UHPLC to 5µm) Raptor 90Å Series (Superficially Porous Particle) Roc 100Å Series (Convetional HPLC)
Viva 300Å Series (Wide Pore for Proteins & Peptides) USLC Series (Ultra Selective Liquid Chromatography) Ultra 100Å Series
Viva 300Å Series (Wide Pore for Proteins & Peptides) USLC Series (Ultra Selective Liquid Chromatography) Ultra 100Å Series
Pinnacle DB 140Å Series Pinnacle II 110Å Series Allure 60Å Series
Pinnacle DB 140Å Series Pinnacle II 110Å Series Allure 60Å Series
Restek Pack in a Box Kit (HPLC Column packing System) Accessories
Restek Pack in a Box Kit (HPLC Column packing System) Accessories